Meet my former college roommate and dear friend Cheryl. I was her maid of honor at her wedding many years ago. It was her bridal shower that sparked the creation of Bow K. Here’s our story. Every great invention begins with a problem and I had a big one. If you want to see a group of bridesmaids scatter in a hurry, simply pull out a paper plate and a pair of scissors. This is what happened during Cheryl’s bridal shower. While my fellow bridesmaids quickly positioned themselves to hand off presents or take notes for thank you cards, I was tasked with creating a ribbon bouquet for the bride to carry during her rehearsal. The process was an epic failure. Shortly after the wedding, the idea for Bow K® was born and bridesmaids gained a new ally. Stick on bows, silk flowers, ribbons and other gift decorations could be easily gathered into a beautiful keepsake. Our brides use their Bow K as a fabulous photo accessory during bachelorette parties and wedding rehearsals. The versatility of Bow K’s design quickly solved other problems for a wide variety of applications. Now you can use your Bow K to create centerpieces, tree toppers and handheld arrangements. Bow K supports a confident new group of diy designers, those who, like me, consider themselves “creative but not crafty.” Whether your goal is to build a centerpiece for your foyer or to expand your business by incorporating Bow K, we are confident that we can help you succeed. Cheering you on,
As each gift bow was added, the plate would rip and bend. It was also difficult to find the holes I had made with the scissors once the plate started to fill up. What was supposed to be a beautiful bouquet of ribbons and bows ended up being a flop, literally. Cheryl was truly a good sport about carrying my sorry creation during her rehearsal. I, however, was mortified. With so much to love about this tradition, I knew there had to be a better way.